Does a woman bless the candle lighting the Sabbath before lighting it or after it?

According to our Ashkenazi brethren welcome after the candle, according to the words of the Rama, in a lifestyle, the mark of the Lord of the Sages and the Mishnachot Sq. Because all the commandments that are welcomed go to their doings, that is, before they do so, and so the opinion ruled in part in the sign of Lag

Is it possible to apply ointment on a Saturday to the baby instead of the irritation by the swabs?

הנה בספר שמירת שבת כהלכתו פרק י"ד סימן ל"א העלה דתינוק שיש לו גירוי עור מחמת חיטולים רטובים וכדומה עדיף להשתמש באבקה מיוחדת, אין לו אבקה ישתמש בשמן המיוחד לכך, אך אם אין לו אל ימרח משחה אלא יעשה באופן זה, יסחט את המשחה מן השפורפרת הישר על גוף התינוק ולפחות על החיתול ולא ימרח את המשחה. ואם המשחה בקופסה יוציאנה במקל ויתננה על גבי הגוף או על גבי החיטול ויזהר לא למרוח לא על הגוף ולא על החיטול. ומותר לשים את החיטול על גוף התינוק ולית לן בה אם המשחה נמרחת ע"י זה. וכן אפשר לעיין בשו"ת נשמת שבת סימן תע"ג מה כתב והציע בזה.
אומנם בספר ילקוט יוסף דיני סיכה בשבת סעיף א כתב דמעיקר הדין מותר לסוך את התינוק באופן שהמשחה תבלע כולה בגוף התינוק. אומנם סיים דעדיף לנהוג כדעת החזון איש ורק ליתן את המשחה במקום הצריך בלא למרחה והיא תתמרח מאליה.

Is it permissible to pray with a shorts and shirt?

Here is the oath in the IDF, the Seventh Writer writes and deserve and should have special clothing for prayer such as priestly clothes but no one can spend it and in any good place he will have special trousers for prayer because cleanly cleaned so initially appropriate Wear nice clothes as you would normally wear them before respectable people.
In the Shavuot Yehudah, the Dahlovash reporter wrote a short-sleeved shirt covering his arm up to the elbow, he was allowed to be a public envoy, but if the sleeves were very short, some of the upper arm between the elbow and his shoulder should not serve as a public envoy but as a private worshiper He is allowed to pray with short sleeves, but he is not allowed to serve as a public envoy, but the individual who prays to himself is allowed to wash his hands before praying and be careful not to touch his feet during prayer.

When can a woman bless her reciprocal blessing after giving birth?

In the oath of the Sages, the SAA writer writes four should admit and one of them who was ill and healed and certainly whose birth is blue and therefore blessing. Because then you have completely gone and she is like the rest of every man and wrote Maran in the oath of the USSR sign you must congratulate you how you got off, but if she is late she has three days off.
Therefore, for the first time, one should be blessed within three days of being healed but brought to the poskim model if later this date can in retrospect bless the recipient's blessing in name and kingdom indefinitely.

When can you say the Blessing Blessing?

Here is a clear mishnah, written in the sign of the Dov Dkob, the last of the three months after the Christmas of the Nativity that Nahenin has already been praised should be welcomed, but the oblivion ruled Dambarchin only until seven days passed
And in fact, they say it on Saturday night to say it with joy and fine clothes and each according to its custom whether after three days or seven days
And missing a few hours on Saturday night to complete seven full days from time to time should not be aggravated.

Is it permissible to get a haircut for a barber?

Most of the law is permissible, but the MB writes in a halachic way of life on the Sabbath mark of the SCS and the late Our Ashkenazi brothers are aggravating it and fearing the will of the Righteous Hasid
But in short, Yosef Yalkut signed the SS Major General Dain wrote in the Spanish custom to feel it.
And therefore everyone will follow his custom.

When is it possible to say Hillel of Rosh Hashanah?

Writes in the commentary Halacha marking the second paragraph of the Shas in the Megillah Dahalel's time all day until sunset.
But women are exempt from saying Hillel Dachmova in Shas and the rulers but if they want to say they are allowed but according to the Ashkenazim can also bless as the commentary went there but according to the Sephardim women and men should not be greeted as brought by Bilkut Yosef.

Up to what time is it possible to pray with a supplement?

Supplement prayer time is all day until sunset and if you forget and do not pray until it has passed all its time it has no payment.
But it should be noted that in retrospect, as an oath in the oath, the Rafah sa desman mark is added immediately after the dawn prayer and no longer after seven hours, and if he prayed for another seven hours is called a criminal and even then he went out because he ordered All day. (Until sunset)