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Shuva Israel Las Vegas is one of dozens of congregations founded by the Honorable Moreno and Rebbe Rabbi Ya'osef Yosef Pinto Shlita Rabbi of Morocco
The Honorable Rabbi has a splendid pedigree of the Pinto and Abuchatsira families
To establish the community in Las Vegas, Rabbi Meir Shalom Ohana Shlita was sent and his rabbinical wife Rabbi Ohana is the nephew of the Honorable Admor of Shlita Graduate of the Kol Torah Yeshiva that gives birth to the Abuchatzira and Pinto Zia families
The Shuva Israel community in Las Vegas is digging for the love of others, and among its many acts you can find revivals of kindness, regular Torah lessons in the homes of members of the community, Torah lessons for women, canopies, alliances, conversion, study of religious law and other religious needs and all in the pure way and way. Which bestowed and bestows the honor of Rabbi Shlita
Since the opening of the community, a large number of people from all streams are added to the community.